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Welcome to the Family!

Writer's picture: TrinityTrinity

Well hey, thanks for joining us!

Well, we're all finally catching on to this 'eco' thing and reality has started to set in (that we've been pretty crappy to the most important thing in the world... ummm… our world), but Econo is not about wallowing in all the bad stuff, we have our sites squarely focus on the good stuff - how to fix it.

Now, you should know, the change is unlikely to be particularly easy or convenient for you ☹ … but you know what? Neither is the alternative, so let’s move on.

The good news is you’ve already made the most significant change you can make. Good on YOU!!

Without a doubt the of the most powerful mechanism to reverse climate change is to change our own mind set. To do this, we need to educate ourselves and you’ve already taken the first step – you’re reading this article. Congratulations!

At times it might be frustrating, less convenient and will often feel like your efforts aren’t really making an impact, but millions of small steps will go a very long way in the end and we need to celebrate each small step we take, talk about our achievements and celebrate our successes with other eco warriors because while one soldier will never win a war, where we have numbers with passion, we will have success.

Welcome to the EconoFam <3

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